The Ring-Buyer’s Guide to Selling Rings
So are you struggling to buy a ring? If the buying process of obtaining a wedding or engagement ring is becoming a drag, then not to worry, as we have a guide to put a new spin on the ‘how to buy rings’ guides.
We thought it would be great to present this guide on how selling rings can give you insight into your own purchasing struggles. So, by spending a day on the other side of the counter in our shoes, you can make the right decision in picking the perfect bands.
Why Rings?
Photo courtesy of Thorum.
So of all the things a merchant or artist might decide to sell, why rings? Wedding bands are unique for many reasons; for some, it might symbolize the commitment to love, whilst for others, it is a pretty status symbol. For that reason, rings are an essential part of our modern-day culture worldwide. It’s also one of the many primary investments in getting married, so it is a necessary purchase to commit to!
With this being said, there is a massive market for rings, and there are so many boring ones that it is great when an artist comes along and reinvents a tired artistic wheel. Modern rings truly take the possibilities of this art to a whole new level, with varying materials, designs, and artificial gems.
The Value of Rings
What is the value of rings? Photo courtesy of Thorum.
So as ring makers and sellers, we have to think a lot about the value of our product, not just in terms of money and making a profit to get our business going, but also the value of the ring being purchased. We want you to get a ring that is worth the gold you spend on it and is something that you would be proud to wear.
So the value of our ring is based on many factors, from the material we source to the hours it takes to make the product. We always try to make our prices fair and that everything we sell is always our best work, and if not, we take the proper steps to correct these issues through a customer feedback system.
How Do We Come up with New Designs?
The way we come up with new designs comes from many creative avenues.
If we find a new material that we absolutely adore, we might play around with it until we come up with a design that is worthy of adding to our collection.
Another way we do this is by researching what customers want; sometimes, their needs translate into a new unique ring design for us. For example, if a ring is almost perfect for a customer but prefers a brighter material, we might present a similar design in new material. These subtle differences can be seen between different rings.
It isn’t just materials and colors that inspire us; it could be as simple as a cool name that we could see fitting for a modern wedding ring.
How do we Name Rings?
How do rings get their names? Photo courtesy of Thorum.
When naming rings, a primary force that drives us is the inspiration behind a design. If we already have a clear look in mind for a band, often we already know what its name might be. However, there are times in the past when we might have been unsure until we got the customer’s feedback. Sometimes a ring might go through several namings before we settle on that perfect one, but every ring is different.
If we have fabulous material, such as a meteorite, we will brainstorm keywords related to the broader cosmos and pick names that sound short and spunky. For example, our Meteorite Rings collection has names like The Meteorsaur, The Voyager, and The Gibeon.
A good name breathes life into an otherwise beautiful object with little substance. Sometimes people buy something just on names and inspiration alone! By choosing to name our rings, we give them their own life and soul; we hand make them and raise them. We want our customers to adore them.
Rings that Tell Stories
Rings that tell stories. Photo courtesy of Thorum.
A powerful way for a modern-day ring seller is to create rings and products with stories to tell. Putting something unique and meaningful into a simple band allows it to become something beyond just being a band for a wedding.
For example, the perfect ring for a bride could be The Freya because it is named after the Norse goddess of love and marriage. In addition, the ring draws on myths associated with Freya, illuding to a fictitious deep history behind the ring and its creation.
Another example that could scream ‘the ideal ring’ for a groom is The Atlas—named after the Titan that was punished for fighting against the gods, forcing him to hold the world on his shoulders. This ring gives those that wear it some of its strength to bear the trials of their own lives.
We love to create mythologies around our rings as they make their wearers live richer lives full of magic and legend.
Understanding Our Customers and Audience
We value our customers wholeheartedly and always welcome their much-needed feedback in the form of reviews or emails. Whether negative or positive, their suggestions allow us to grow as a company to produce the best quality products they expect.
So how do we provide these spaces for seller and buyer engagement? We have a range of social media platforms with publicly assessable reviews on our website product pages, so a buyer always knows what the general public thinks about our pieces. We don’t hide anything and always have an open email policy. If you’re happy or sad, we want to see it.
How do we continue to get happy customers even if those few didn’t like the first band they received? We welcome their feedback and will always push to give them the product they expected if they are not happy the first time. One way we do this is by having an exchange system for the easy return and replacement of a ring, the same for sizing and style, with a no questions asked policy for refunds.
We try to understand the market and our customer’s needs, pushing to be at the forefront of innovation and evolving with the times. For example, if a wedding wants a band to complement their marriage in space, we will be there with meteorite rings in hand.
The Meaning of Creating and Selling Art
You need to get yourself a band with life. Photo courtesy of Thorum.
We aren’t just making rings to sell to an audience; we are creating art. But, for art to be… art, it needs to mean something beyond just turning a profit. This being said, we want our art to shine and give meaning to their lives, so we continue to create as we love the smiles we get from couples that see their rings for the first time. It is truly a gift to be able to help couples on their special day.
Rings that are lifeless, machine-made, and with no soul are not worth the investment. You need to get yourself a band with life, or its hollow shell will seep into your life and not make you fulfilled. Art is worth the extra money to ensure your life is full of meaning.
Common Questions Asked by Brides and Grooms About Buying Rings?
Most of our customer base is people searching for the perfect wedding rings, so we often get many questions about the subject. We would love to share our insights and knowledge to rest some of these common questions asked to buy such buyers.
1. How do I pick the correct ring size?
Ordering rings online can initially seem daunting if you don’t know what size ring finger you have. But as an online ring seller, we have made this process simple with a Ring Sizer and a well-tested exchange process online.
2. How easy are rings to look after and clean?
Metal rings require just a basic scrub with hot soapy water. However, wood and organic rings can be washed similarly but should be waxed once a month to keep their gleam.
3. What ring fit is the best?
There are two popular ring fits that you’ll find when you start to do your research into picking a wedding ring, the standard fit and the comfort fit. Thorum chooses the comfort fit for all their rings over the standard as it is much more comfortable for wear. In addition, it improves the circulation of your hand, it does require more materials, but the extra cost for us is worth it.
4. Are wooden rings durable?
Wood is a very durable material, and with it being the second most popular material that we use for rings, we like to ensure it is extra strong by treating them with resin. This clear sealant creates a glossy shine to wooden rings with extra durability and makes them less prone to water damage!
5. Can I get a good ring on a tight budget?
You can undoubtedly get unique rings for small budgets, but be sure not to buy a ring simply because it is cheap. The best strategy is to research the rings and their suppliers to ensure that you are getting quality and a good deal. One way to know is to check their reviews and find out their return policy because if they are willing to refund a ring you’re not happy with, you might be on to a good case.
6. What should I look out for when buying rings for someone else?
When buying a ring for anyone, you should think about the type of person, style, hobbies, or work they personify, and then go from there. If you start to think about this person as more than a ring, their perfect band will make itself known.
Thorum: Ten Years of Unique Rings
In 2012, Caleb Martin had a dream, and with the help of his wife, he started to create and learn the craft of making wooden rings. He threw himself into the work, and slowly the long hours and trials began to pay off.
The brand started to find itself as it found a niche for producing wedding bands of wood, metals, and other unique recycled materials such as WW2 guns. It wasn’t long before Thorum became a respected name with dedicated followers.
Even after ten years, exciting things are still on the horizon, with 2022 already being jam-packed!! Thorum celebrated ten years in many ways, from releasing a new range of rings to several sponsored posts for Critical Role. So, 2023 looks to be the best year yet!
Final Remarks
Regarding advising on buying bands, sellers offer some of the best tips. They know the whole process of crafting a ring, selling it, and putting it on the finger of the one destined to wear it. However, they also know the trials and tribulations of owning a ring, and they understand customers’ needs, which helps them create a rich range of rings for all types of people. So if you need advice in the future on buying anything, best ask the attendant behind the counter, and they will be sure to lend you a knowledgeable hand.
Want to read more of our latest posts? Check out our post about customized wedding bands.