While we’ve tried a few different DIY’s with faux florals here at BB, a trend we are seeing more of is the flower adorned wedding veil. We have seen pretty ones covered in real flowers but we really wanted to see if we could create a faux flower veil with the same ‘WOW’ effect? As it turned out it was one of the easiest DIY’s we have ever tried.
A plain veil | A selection of faux flowers in a range of sizes | Glue Gun | Glue sticks
Step 1:
Start by taking a selection of large and small flowers and attach in a cluster around the comb, using your glue gun. This will ensure the comb stays fully hidden when the veil is being worn.
Step 2:
Using larger flowers, starting at the top, glue the flowers at random intervals around the veil working your way down to about half way.
Step 3:
Take a selection of smaller flowers and work your way down from the half line down to the bottom of the veil.
Step 4:
Once you have attached your flowers, set aside to dry.
It’s so much fun to create your very own one of a kind veil! As ours was shorter we decided on a more random effect for the flowers but if you had a floor length veil you could always focus the flowers more towards the end of the veil. You can also experiment with using flowers in just one colour or using just one type, there really are no rules, its your very own unique masterpiece. We also paired ours with a bespoke flower crown from Crown and Glory because you can never really have too many flowers can you, but you could always opt for no crown if you want a more understated look or perhaps a tiara?
We would love to see what you do with your veils so please tag us on Instagram using #BespokeBrideDIY. We can’t wait to hear from you!