A Hand Crafted Wedding Beside the Brooklyn Bridge, New York – Giordana & Justin

Justin and Giordana played hooky with their closest family and friends and married beside the Brooklyn Bridge in New York! The entire day was built around creativity and merriment, including a post-ceremony ice cream break before a happy ride on the world-famous Jane’s Carousel! (amazing) Giordana even wore her mother’s wedding dress from the 70’s…


A Locally Sourced Wedding with a Surprise Pregnancy, the Saronic Gulf of Greece – Anna & Philipp

This wedding completely captured my heart, I love how Anna & Philipp didn’t want to pollute by getting decorations delivered from somewhere else so instead they locally sourced products from the island they married on, using olive as the symbol of their wedding because olive is a symbol of abundance, glory and peace. I also love how Anna’s second…
